

Vortrag von Frau Prof. Dr. Cécile Michel (CNRS Paris)

Titel: Economic Activities of Women according to the Old Assyrian Private Archives.

Datum & Uhrzeit: 26.1.2016, 18.15 Uhr

Ort: Seminarraum 00-305/9, Hegelstr. 59, 55122 Mainz (Münchfeld).

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Elam Tagung

Elam and its Neighbors. Recent Research and New Perspectives

Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz


September 21-23, 2016


Wednesday, September 21


9:00     Introduction

Session 1: Elamite Languages and Textual Sources

9:30 – 10:00   Dahl, Jacob (University of Oxford): “Man”, “plough”, “cow”: progress and pitfalls in the decipherment of proto-Elamite

10:00 – 10:30  Mäder, Michael (University of Bern): Some new Linear Elamite Inscriptions

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:30  Krebernik, Manfred (University of Jena): A new Elamite incantation from the Hilprecht-collection Jena

11:30 – 12:00  Malbran-Labat, Florence/Roche-Hawley, Carole (French National Center for Scientific Research): On the unpublished contracts from Susa (TS A IX-XV)

12:00 – 14:00 Lunch

14:00 – 14:30  Badamchi, Hossein (University of Tehran): Law in a Multicultural Society: Akkadian Legal Texts from Susa in Comparative Perspective

14:30 – 15:00  De Graef, Katrien (Ghent University): Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Sukkalmaḫ Susa

15:00 – 15:30  Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:00  Tavernier, Jan (University of Leuven): Morphological Spellings in Elamite

16:00 – 16:30  Morando, Giacomo Luigi (Ghent University): “The importance of being Akkadian” vs “The importance of being Elamite”. Looking for the true plot among professional people in Susa in the age of the Sukkalmah. An onomastic inquiry


Thursday, September 22


Session 2: Elamite History and Culture

9:30 - 10:00   Pruß, Alexander (University of Mainz): The Gaps in Elamite Chronology

10:00 – 10:30  Álvarez-Mon, Javier (Macquarie University Sydney): Puzur-Inšušinak, the last king of Akkad? Text and Image Reconsidered

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:30  Prechel, Doris (University of Mainz): Administration in Haft Tappeh

11:30 – 12:00  Basello, Gian Pietro (University of Naples): Use, abuse and recovery of the past in Elam (and Babylonia)

12:00 – 14:00  Lunch

14:00 – 14:30  Mofidi-Nasrabadi, Behzad (University of Mainz): Who was “dMÚŠ.EREN.EŠŠANA.DINGIR.MEŠ”?

14:30 – 15:00  Henkelman, Wouter (University of Paris): Liyan as a lens: Elamite history at Bušehr 

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break

Session 3: Fieldworks and Archaeological Investigations

15:30 – 16:00 Dabbagh, Mina (University of Lyon): Corporeal iconography of female images and constitutive representation of gender in Elamite art

16:00 – 16:30  Rashidiyan, Elnaz (University of Frankfurt): Dehno and its environs: A geoarchaeological approach to the Elamite urban places

16:30 – 17:00 Coffee Break

17:00 – 17:30 Shirvani, Qader/Mehrafarin, Reza/Kordestani, Maryam (University of Bu-Ali Sina, Hamedan): The Kon-e Binu Site in Elamite Period

17:30 – 18:00  Dinarvand, Yousof/Ba Ahmadi, Hossein (University of Zahedan): A Neo-Elamite Site in South of Susa


Friday, September 23


Session 3: Fieldwork and Archaeological Investigations

9:30 – 10:00   Abdali, Negar (University of Heidelberg): Glazed artefacts in NW Iran and Elam: A common technology?

10:00 – 10:30  Zalaghi, Ali (University of Mainz): Digging up the past: Rediscovery of the Elamite underground vaulted tombs at Tappeh Jangal (KS 53) in the Susiana plain

10:30 – 11:00 Coffee Break

11:00 – 11:30  Rafiei-Alavi, Babak (University of Frankfurt): Acquisition, Utilization, and End of Usage: The Dynamic of the Metal Industry in Haft Tappeh

11:30 – 12:00  Eslami, Moein (University of Frankfurt): Mud brick production in Haft Tappeh: A technical study on earthen architecture materials of Haft Tappeh

12:00 – 14:00 Lunch


Session 4: Elam and its Neighbors

14:00 – 14:30  Ameri, Marta (Colby College): Who Holds the Keys? Using the Archaeological Indicators of Administrative Activity from Shahr-i Sokhta to Reconstruct Administrative Practice in Third Millennium BC Iran  

14:30 – 15:00  Karami, Mohammad (University of Tübingen): Recent Iranian Center for Archaeological Research and Tübingen University Archaeological Explorations in Kerman, South of Iran

15:00 – 15:30 Coffee Break

15:30 – 16:00  Peyronel, Luca (University IULM of Milan): Looking for merchants abroad. Commercial interactions between Elam, Dilmun and Ur during the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000-1600 BC)

16:00 – 16:30  Wicks, Yasmina (University of Sydney): Elam and its Neighbours: A View from Neo-Elamite Funerary Remains

16:30 – 17:00  Coffee Break

17:00     Resume




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Contact and Registration


For further information and for the registration of lecturers please contact:

10000PD Dr. Behzad Mofidi-Nasrabadi

Institut für Altertumswissenschaften

Ägyptologie und Altorientalistik

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Hegelstraße 59

55122 Mainz


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Information on Travel and Accommodation



We would like to inform you that most of the hotels in Mainz will be fully booked in September because of different events in the region. Therefore, it is best to register the room as soon as possible. If you should have difficulty in finding a room in the city center of Mainz, please also consider the surrounding area and Wiesbaden.



The congress will be held in the premises of the University of Mainz.
For the lectures the hall "Linke Aula" (H on the map) at the campus of the university with the following address is reserved:

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Alte Mensa - Linke Aula
Johann-Joachim-Becher-Weg 5
Map of the Campus (H = Linke Aula)


The following buses take you from main station (Hauptbahnhof) directly to the University (Universität): 6, 9, 45, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 64, 65, 68, 69, 75, 91, 650, 652, 660.

Bus network map


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Program                                    Flyer

Abstracts                                  Poster



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Tagung zum Thema: Herrschaft im interkulturellen Vergleich

I. Herrschaftsübergänge

Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur, Mainz


Vertreterinnen der Disziplinen Altorientalische Philologie, Alttestamentliche Wissenschaft und Mittelalterliche Geschichte erörtern im Rahmen einer ersten Tagung zum Thema „Herrschaft im interkulturellen Vergleich“ die Thematik der Übergänge innerhalb einer Herrschaft, sei es durch Thronfolge, sei es durch Usurpation. Denn hier scheinen die Momente, die eine Herrschaft gefährden, und zugleich die Strategien, die sie sichern, am deutlichsten zu Tage zu treten. Ein Ziel der Tagung ist es, Kategorien herauszuarbeiten, die zu einer fachübergreifenden Systematisierung von Herrschaftsübergängen beitragen.

Zum Programm



Dr. Katja Weiß
Ev.-Theologische Fakultät
Seminar f. Altes Testament und Biblische Archäologie
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
06131 3922685

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Haft Tappeh

Archäologie und Chronologie der mittelelamischen Periode in Haft Tappeh (Iran)

Gefördert von der DFG 2015-2017

Leitung: Prof. Dr. Doris Prechel

Projektmitarbeiter: Dr. Behzad Mofidi-Nasrabadi


Weitere Information finden sich hier.

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