Dr. Vigo Matteo



Institut für Altertumswissenschaften, FB 07

Arbeitsbereich Altorientalische Philologie
Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
D – 55099 Mainz


Aktuelle Forschungs- und Arbeitsthemen

Actors and Power Structures in the Old Hittite Kingdom (Habilitationsschrift)

eḫu išḫamāi ‘canta!’ Proposta di un metodo alternativo per la comunicazione della Storia delle Antiche Civiltà (Projektleiterin: Prof. Dr. Rita Francia — Sapienza Università di Roma)

Nationales Forschungsprogramm PRIN 2020 “Networks of Power: Institutional Hierarchies and State Management in Late Bronze Age Western Asia (NePo) (P.I. S. de Martino — Universität Turin). Forschungsabteilung: Sapienza Università di Roma – Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità. Projektleiterin: Prof. Dr. Rita Francia

Universität Forschungsprojekt: Registri linguistici, linguaggi e stilistica nella letteratura ittita: analisi della documentazione e confronti con le letterature delle culture coeve (Projektleiterin: Prof. Dr. Rita Francia — Sapienza Università di Roma)


Sammelband in Herausgeberfunktion

  1. Gaspa, S. –Vigo, M. (eds.), Textiles in Ritual and Cultic Practices in the Ancient Near East from the Third to the First Millennium BC, Alter Orient und Altes Testament Series 431, Münster 2019.



  1. Letteratura dell’Anatolia ittita (mit Rita Francia), Mondadori, Le Monnier Università, 2023.
  2. Actors and Power Structures in the Old Hittite Kingdom (in Vorbereitung).



  1. Francia, R. – Vigo, M. (im Druck), “‘Alte montagne, valli profonde, flutti tranquilli’. Osservazioni su un tòpos letterario ittita”, in M. Ramazzotti (ed.), Atti del primo congresso di archeologia del paesaggio e geografia storica del Vicino Oriente antico, Roma 2023.
  2. Francia, R. – Vigo, M. (im Druck), “eḫu išḫamai ‘canta!’ Proposta di un metodo alternativo per la comunicazione della Storia delle Antiche Civiltà” Project Description”, News from the Lands of the Hittites. Scientific Journal for Anatolian Research Volumes 5-6, Torino 2023.
  3. Francia, R. – Vigo, M. (im Druck), “eḫu išḫamai ‘canta!’ Proposta di un metodo alternativo per la comunicazione della Storia delle Antiche Civiltà”, Egitto e Vicino Oriente XLVI, 2023.
  4. Vigo, M. (im Druck), “Water Boundaries in the Hittite Literature and Some Mesopotamian Comparisons”, Rivista degli Studi Orientali N.S. XCVI/2‒4, 2023.
  5. Vigo, M., “Plague, Pandemics and Divine Punishment among the Hittites”, in Toprak Karaman et al. (eds.), COVID-19 Pandemisi’nde Disiplinlerarası Bütünlesık Afet Yönetimi Uluslararası Çevrimiçi Sempozyumu. Interdisciplinary Integrated Disaster Administration on COVID-19 Pandemic, Izmir 2021, pgs. 14-23.
  6. Bellucci, B. – Vigo, M., “Ancora sulle sigillature multiple del deposito di Nişantepe”, in A. Rizza, F. Giusfredi, L. D’Alfonso, M. Giorgieri, M. E. Balza, P. Cotticelli-Kurras (eds.), Città e Parole. Pietra e Argilla. Studi offerti a Clelia Mora da allievi, colleghi e amici, Bibliotheca di Athenaeum 65, Bari 2020, pgs. 81-112.
  7. Vigo, M., “Staple and Wealth Finance and the Administration of the Hittite Economy”, in M. Hutter – S. Hutter-Braunsar (eds.), Economy of Religions in Anatolia and Northern Syria: From the Early Second to the Middle of the First Millennium BCE, Alter Orient und Altes Testament Series 467, Münster 2019, pgs. 141-151.
  8. Gaspa, S. – Vigo, M., “Textiles in Ancient Near Eastern Ritual and Cultic Practices: An Introduction”, in S. Gaspa – M. Vigo (eds.), Textiles in Ritual and Cultic Practices in the Ancient Near East from the Third to the First Millennium BC, Alter Orient und Altes Testament Series 431, Münster 2019, pgs. 1-14.
  9. Vigo, M., “Textiles and Textile Tools in Hittite Ritual Praxis. An Overview”, in S. Gaspa – M. Vigo (eds.), Textiles in Ritual and Cultic Practices in the Ancient Near East from the Third to the First Millennium BC, Alter Orient und Altes Testament Series 431, Münster 2019, pgs. 109-133.
  10. Vigo, M., “On the terminology of some (job) titles in Hittite texts”, in A. Garcia-Ventura (ed.), What is in a name? Terminology related to work force and job categories in the ancient Near East, Alter Orient und Altes Testament Series 440, Münster 2018, pgs. 271-314.
  11. Vigo, M., “Textile terminology of Hittite Anatolia: Interdisciplinary research projects at the Centre for Textile Research. Project’s presentation and future perspectives”, News from the Lands of the Hittites. Scientific Journal for Anatolian Research Volume 1, Torino 2017, pgs. 119-126.
  12. “Sources for the Study of the Role of Women in the Hittite Administration”, in C. Michel – B. Lion (eds.), The Role of Women in Work and Society in the Ancient Near East, Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Records Series 13, Berlin 2016, pgs. 337-362.
  13. Vigo, M., “The use of (perfumed) oil in Hittite rituals with particular emphasis on funerary practices”, in A. D’Ascoli (ed.), Consumption of perfumed oil in the ancient Mediterranean and Near East: funerary rituals and other case studies. Journal of Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Archaeology 1/2014, Roma 2014, pgs. 25-37.
  14. Vigo, M., “Elements for a Comparative Study of Textile Production and Use in Hittite Anatolia and in Neighbouring Areas”, in M.–L. Nosch, C. Michel, M. Harlow (eds.), Prehistoric, Ancient Near Eastern and Aegean Textiles and Dress: an Interdisciplinary Anthology, Ancient Textile Series 18, Oxford 2014, pgs.97-142.
  15. Vigo, M., “Hattice”, Aktuel Arkeoloji Dergizi 38, Ankara 2014, pgs. 75-83.
  16. Bellucci, B. – Vigo, M., “Note sulla concezione del post mortem presso gli Ittiti”, in I. Baglioni (ed.), Sulle Rive dell’Acheronte: Costruzione e Percezione della Sfera del Post Mortem nel Mediterraneo Antico, Roma 2014, pgs. 21-36.
  17. Vigo, M., “The Hattian Language”, Actual Archaeology Magazine 11/2014, Ankara 2014, pgs. 56-63.
  18. Vigo, M., “La concezione di “mare” presso gli Ittiti tra simbolo e realtà”, in P. Cotticelli, M. Giorgieri, C. Mora, A. Rizza (eds.), Interferenze linguistiche e contatti culturali in Anatolia tra II e I millennio a.C. Studi in onore di Onofrio Carruba in occasione del suo 80°compleanno, Studia Mediterranea 24, Pavia 2012, pgs. 261-298.
  19. Mora, C. – Vigo, M., “Attività femminili a Ḫattuša. La testimonianza dei testi d’inventario e degli archivi di cretulae”, in N. Bolatti-Guzzo, S. Festuccia, M. Marazzi (eds.), Centro Mediterraneo Preclassico. Studi e Ricerche III. Studi vari di egeistica, anatolistica e del mondo mediterraneo, Serie Beni Culturali 20, Napoli 2012, pgs. 173-223.
  20. Vigo, M., “Linen in Hittite Inventory Texts”, in C. Michel – M.-L. Nosch (eds.), Textile Terminologies in the Ancient Near East and Mediterranean from the Third to the First Millennia BC, Ancient Textiles Series 8, Oxford 2010, pgs. 290-322.
  21. Vigo, M., “Tarhuntaš-trġ(n)ds. Troodos?”, in L. Bombardieri – A. M. Jasink (eds.), Researches in Cypriote History and Archaeology. Proceedings of the Meeting held in Florence April 29-30th 2009, Periploi – Collana di Studi Egei e Ciprioti 2, Firenze 2010, pgs. 165-174.
  22. Vigo, M., “Stile Internazionale e/o interferenze culturali. Breve indagine sulla produzione artistica del Tardo Cipriota”, in P. Giammellaro (ed.), Visti dall’altra sponda: Movimenti, colonizzazioni e interferenze culturali nel Mediterraneo antico. Atti del V Incontro Orientalisti. Palermo, 6-8 Dicembre 2008, Palermo 2009, pgs. 75-99.
  23. Vigo, M.,Tradurre e non tradire: il problema delle integrazioni. Il caso di KBo XII 39”, in B. Bellucci, E. Jucci, A. Rizza, B. M. Tomassini Pieri (eds.), Traduzione di tradizioni e tradizioni di traduzione. Atti del IV Incontro Orientalista. Pavia 19-21 Aprile 2007, Milano 2008, pgs. 191-248.



  1. Vigo, M., “Tayfun Bilgin, Officials and Administration in the Hittite World. (Studies in Ancient Records 21.) xv, 507 pgs. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018. ISBN 978 1 5015 1662 7”, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 83/2 (2020), pgs. 321-322.
  2. Vigo, M., “Emanuel Pfoh, Syria-Palestine in the Late Bronze Age. An Anthropology of Politics and Power. London/New York, Routledge 2016. XV, 229 S., $ 145.00”, in Historische Zeitschrift 307 (2018), pgs. 775-776
  3. Vigo, M., “Trevor Bryce, Ancient Syria: A Three Thousand Year History. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2014. xiv, 379. ISBN 9780199646678 £ 25.00”, in https://bmcr.brynmawr.edu